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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

Prosthetics21 records found

porcelain artificial teeth

Set of ten porcelain anatomical tubeless tube teeth made by Ash, fixed to a wooden frame.
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Image of artificial teeth

upper partial denture

upper partial walrus ivory denture with 6 carved teeth and a heart engraved on the top of the palate.
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Image of partial denture

lower partial denture

model showing partial overdenture in chrome cobalt.
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Image of partial denture

acrylic shade guide

tooth shade guide for Anatomform New Hue acrylic teeth.
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Image of shade guide

porcelain artificial teeth

12 pin teeth consisting of two anterior sets. The teeth are mounted on a wooden block. The teeth are of the Fonzi type
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Image of artificial teeth

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