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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

LDBDA : 7779

dental health education poster

dental health education poster produced by the Dental Board of the United Kingdom. The poster depicts a baby holding a toothbrush and sitting in an oyster shell. The picture is entitled 'Like Rare Pearls', with the message 'Guard baby's teeth today for her to guard tomorrow' in green lettering. The artist is Lorna Adamson.

The Dental Board of the UK was the first governmental initiative to promote dental health. From the 1930s they produced a wide range of leaflets and posters. Some were available to buy while others, like this one, were free.

artist: Adamson, Lorna Dental Board of the United Kingdom 1935

paper; length 760mm; width 505mm

Image of poster