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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

LDBDA : 9877

NHS document

N.H.S Notice to Patients with charges for dental work and information on payment. The notice was originally dated 16th May 1961 but has been altered to read 11th August 1969. All charges have been changed by handwritten notes.

The NHS was established in 1948. Dental treatment was initially free for all but, due to such high demand, a flat rate charge of a pound was introduced in 1952 for all ordinary dental treatment. Charges have remained ever since. The inclusion of dentistry in the NHS had a great effect on the state of the nation's dental health.

National Health Service 11.8.196916.5.1961

paper; width 253mm; length 376mm

Image of nhs document