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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

LDBDA : 5717

anatomical teaching model

life-size, papier-mâché anatomical teaching model of a male human body. The model is made of painted, lacquered papier-mâché with an internal metal frame for support. The model consists of 25 dissectible parts with over 2000 details illustrating the muscles, bones, blood and nerve supply. The model is housed in an oak box.

Louis Auzoux was a French medical student and entrepreneur working in the 19th century. He found the wax models available for medical studies unsuitable and the legality and availability of cadavers made dissections difficult. Instead Auzoux devised a solution in the form of papier mache models. These were inexpensive, lightweight, hard and strong with a surface that could be lacquered, inlayed, painted or varnished giving an incredibly detailed and realistic finish. Removable sections improved the hands on dissection experience. The paper mache models became a convenient and practical alternative to wax models and quickly became the preferred method of teaching anatomy in medical and dental schools. In 1827 he set up a factory to manufacture human, veterinary and botanical models.

Auzoux, Louis circa1860

papier-mâché, metal, lacquer, paint; length 1250 cm; width 360 cm; height 305 cm

Image of anatomical model