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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

Oral Hygiene20 records found

manual toothbrush

toothbrush with a flat, straight, bone handle and a head made of natural sponge.
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manual toothbrush

toothbrush holder

bone handled toothbrush and matching holder. The toothbrush has an angled handle with a hole in the end. The bristles are made of pig bristle with unevenly cut filaments. The holder is cylindrical with holes at the top and bottom.
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manual toothbrush

toothbrush by Wisdom with a flat red plastic handle and a short head with nylon bristles.
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dental cleaning set

cleaning set in velvet lined, leather bound box with mirror set into lid. Contents consist of toothpowder box, toothbrush head, toothbrush handle, two scalers, tongue scraper, earspoon, toothpick and a pair of tweezers.
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Image of dental cleaning set

chew stick

3 siwack twigs used as toothbrushes,one end of each has had the bark stripped from it and made fibrous.
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