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Last reviewed: 11/10/2010
Last updated: 11/10/2010

Documents7 records found

NHS document

N.H.S Notice to Patients with charges for dental work and information on payment. The notice was originally dated 16th May 1961 but has been altered to read 11th August 1969. All charges have been changed by handwritten notes.
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indenture certificate

Indenture for apprenticeship of Frederick Hart-Jones to Robert Ransom, Surgeon and Dentist. Dated 28 October 1847. Text is part hand written and part printed on a parchment sheet. There are three red seals in the bottom right hand corner and a stamp for £1. The sealing wax is stamped onto a black ribbon which is threaded through the parchment. Ink has faded.
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presentation certificate

certificate conferring membership for Professor Karl Weld of the Odontological Society of Great Britain.
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NHS document

Sample National Health Service Dental Estimates form EC17 from 1948. Yellow form with notes on how to complete it on reverse.
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The Public Dental Service Association of Great Britain Ltd. National Health Insurance scale of fees and conditions of service. Approved for operation 1st October 1926 to 6th July 1930. Single sheet folded with two holes punched down left hand side.
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